Many people wish to know the clear scientific difference between a tumor and a cancer.
Well , for the explanation purpose, the explanation of these terms is necessary:
Tumor and Neo Plasm mean the same thing. And is a BIG HEADING under which the two terms Benign and Malignant(Cancer) fall. I put cancer in the brackets for Malignant since these are same things.
So, any new growth inside or outside the body which is there without the control or need of body and has ability to grow more is a Tumor(NeoPlasm) (Neo = new ,, Plasm = cell)
If that new growth(tumor) doesnot spread to other body parts and stays here but may grow only at that place where it first appeared it is called as BENIGN . It's almost always treatable. And not so much of a danger sign mostly.
If that new growth has ability to spread to other body parts like to lungs,bones etc, then its a bad tumor and is call MALIGNANT (cancer).It is somehow sometmes treatable, and is kind of a danger sign in most of the cases .
Benign tumors May or May not have the ability to turn into a Malignant Tumor. (cancer)
This is a very basic discussion in basic,non scientific language
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