Forensic study of make and female human bones



Forensics of Male and Female Bones are explained in the photographs below. Click on the photograph to enlarge it. You may move your pointer over the photograph and read the label that appears for detail of the photo. Male and Female Bones have been compared with rspect to their forensic study analysis and also the concept of bone aging.



clavicle; medial end of clavicle has complete fusion, above 25 years COMPLE~1 fibula left & clavicle right side, complete fusion, above 25 years humerus (female) with hole in trochlea & rounded head, incomplete fusion at head,  21-22 years humerus (female) with hole in trochlea & rounded head, incomplete fusion at head,  21-22 years. humerus (female) with hole in trochlea & rounded head, incomplete fusion at head,  21-22 years.. iliac crest fused, above 25 years incomplete fusion at both ends, 21-22 years left (green markings) ulna has fusion on lower end(above 25 years), right has incomplete fusion at lower end (21-22 yrs) left (green markings) ulna has fusion on lower end(above 25 years), right has incomplete fusion at lower end (21-22 yrs), left (green markings) ulna has fusion on lower end(above 25 years), right has incomplete fusion at lower end (21-22 yrs). left (green markings) ulna has fusion on lower end(above 25 years), right has incomplete fusion at lower end (21-22 yrs).. left female hip bone,right male hip bone left female hip bone,right male hip bone 2 left female sacrum, right male sacrum left female sacrum, right male sacrum 2 left female sacrum, right male sacrum 3 left male humerus &  right humerus (female) with hole in trochlea left male humerus &  right humerus (female) with hole in trochlea 2 left male mandible with everted angle, heavier, more muscular markings, broader chin, opposite in right side mandible (female) left male mandible with everted angle, heavier, more muscular markings, broader chin, opposite in right side mandible (female) 2 left male mandible with everted angle, heavier, more muscular markings, broader chin, opposite in right side mandible (female) 3 lower female humerus with incomplete fusion of head,21-22 years, upper humerus complete fusion, above 25 years male iliac crest with incomplete fusion at iliac crest 21-22 years male mandible with everted angle, heavier, more muscular markings, broader chin medial end of clavicle, complete fusion, above 25 years
