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Tutty Fruity Song

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chicken rbcs(red blodd cells of chicken) - compare with red blood cells of human and camel -

-age determination from clavicle_ medial end of clavicle has complete fusion, age above 25 years---------age determination from radio graph age determination from bone sex determination from radiograph sex determination from bone

age determination from hip bone -complete fusion of triradiate cartilage in male hip bone, age above 15-16 years(other angle of hip bone --age determination from radio graph age determination from bone sex determination from radiograph sex determination from bone

charas blocks- charas may be found in the possessions of itx toxicity - so a forensic analyst must identify it

capsicum seeds - capsicum seeds are usually found in cooked food - these may appear in contents of gastric lavage

castor oil fruit - naked eye examination

castor oil seeds - naked eye examination

capsicum fruit - naked eye examination

camel rbc's (red blood cells) - compare with red blood cells

capsicum - as seen under microscope

bhang leaves- click to enlarge the photo -

blow pipe -

arsenic white - other form is arsenic yellow

arsenic yellow - other form is arsenic white-arsenic could be found being used as homicidal poison !

applicator and micropippete used in forensics lab

arsenic crystals under microscope- arsenic is industrial poison but it might appear as homicidal too

animal hair- can be confused with human hair- search in this blog for human hair and compare the size of medulla of both

aconite root - active principle is aconitine - homicidal poison

radiograph of hand-all carpels visible, no fusion at wrist joint, 15-16 years----------age determination from radio graph age determination from bone sex determination from radiograph sex determination from bone

Abrus Precatorious - active principle is abrin - homicidal poison

Upgrade the Firmware of Your point and shoot / DSLR camera !

Tuberculosis – a simplicity writing

A 2 year old child has PDA. What is true about patent ductus arteriosus ?

In comparison of Spinal with Epidural anesthesia, what is the wrong choice among the following :

What is False for intrathecal anaesthesia:

Smart Phones , are we still lagging ?

MDX USA ICE Opthalmoscope Review